We alter Conventions
We are a team of specialists and partners mastering cutting-edge technologies and cross-disciplinary knowledge. We are Speaking construction, ensuring Fluent communication with all Branches involved, taking advantage of Digital Solutions to ensure Universal understanding.
Starting from the architect’s blueprints which pass through the scrutiny of civil engineers, construction managers, HVAC engineers, and contractors, the building plans have their own development elements kept independent among the involved parties. DC translates these individual dialects in the construction industry under one common tongue, thus streamlining the whole process, allowing effortless project follow-through from the first sketch, to the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Intuitive digital follow-through for the construction industry, with a focus on sustainable development. DC is taking advantage of emergent trends from efficient project management tools in the construction industry, digitisation, storage and sharing of data, as well as 3D and mixed reality simulations. We make sure the flow of information between each element is continuous, timely, and relevant.
DigitConstruct improves on the present technologies in other branches of construction and related industries, such as materials and prefabrication, maintenance, management, data digitization and storage, visualisation and simulations.
We bring digital development in synergistic connections between project management tools, workspaces, and data access. Such interactions create a fluent follow-through experience during all the project’s evolution steps. Like a puzzle, we adapt the use of technology to your needs for clear understanding.
Although working in harmony, each individual sector can be probed for its specific services through our solutions. We can deliver individual steps within your project or we can take end to end ownership. We speak all construction languages from investor to the beneficiary.
Our Services
We enable Con-Tech by creating Digi-Tech-Ture!
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Professionals, University Students and Graduates (Internships and Traineeships)
Within our company the experienced professionals go straight into the front office and gain direct exposure to projects. We are happy to offer individual partnership programs to talented and seasoned specialists. Would you be interested to study and work?
We offer this opportunity in a remote work environment. We can adjust and align your program to our project and enhance the usage of your available time. The tasks are flexible solutions for all students.
We offer a very unconventional set up, working on site and within remote and agile environments. Our teams span across countries, and virtual management will be your daily life with us.
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